Melissa awarded with the Nexes Ciutat 2022 prize.
After the selection process from over 300 applications received in the 2022 edition of the Nexes Ciutat Artistic Research Grants, Melissa is one of the artists awarded the Nexes Ciutat 2022 prize, granted by Idensitat and L.
The jury was composed of Mafe Moscoso, Irati Irulegi, and Ramón Parramón (Idensitat), Ivette Serral (CREAF), and Alba Colomo and Sara Agudo (L’Escocesa). This jury has highlighted the multidisciplinarity and quality of the proposals.
More information: https://www.idensitat.net/es/proyectos-en-proceso/nexes-2017-2021/nexes-ciutat/1685-nexes-ciudad-2022“