The ERAM University School of Arts, affiliated with the University of Girona (UdG), provides students with the opportunity to pursue an Official Degree in Fashion. The curriculum for this degree program is unique and aligns with the current demands and trends in the Degree in Performing Arts – Acting, offering students a high-quality university education.
Access to this degree is carried out through the university pre-registration system of the Government of Catalonia, ensuring a transparent and standardized process that provides aspiring students for this academic program with an equitable opportunity. With a practical focus and research infrastructure, this program prepares students for future professional opportunities in this exciting creative industry.
Parameters for weighting subjects in the modality of high school. To calculate the admission grade, the two highest scores from the subjects passed in the specific phase will be chosen, once weighted, to obtain the highest scores.
The weighting parameters for the subjects in the high school modality associated with the knowledge branches of the Degree in Fashion that will be applied for university admission are specified as follows:
Weightings for the Degree in Performing Arts – Acting |
Musical Analysis 0.2 |
Performing Arts 0.2 |
Artistic Drawing 0.2 |
Foundations of Art / Arts 0.2 |
History of Music and Dance 0.2 |
Greek Language and Culture (Greek) 0.2 |
Latin Language and Culture (Latin) 0.2 |
Art History 0.2 |
Dramatic Literature 0.2 |
Once you have received confirmation of your admission to the ERAM University School of Arts, you will need to complete your enrollment in person at our facilities.
The university degree consists of 240 credits spread over 4 years in courses of 60 credits. The optimal way to complete the degree is to follow the predetermined structure of the study plan. The number of credits per course can also be modified, as long as a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 60 credits are taken per academic year.
Price per academic year (60 credits*): €6,480 + ERAM and UdG academic fees.
*Price for credit €108
Payment options*:
- Initial payment of 30% before 30/07/2024 + 10 monthly installments from September to June.
- Single payment: Before 30/07/2024 the entire price is paid. A 3% discount applies to the ERAM price.
- Two payments: Half is paid before 30/07/2024 and the other half is paid on 01/12/2024. A 2% discount applies to the ERAM price.
- Three payments: Payment divided into three parts. Before 30/07/2024, 01/12/2024 and 01/04/2025. A 1% discount applies to the ERAM price.*Options and prices for the full academic year 2024/2025 (60 credits).
Rebràs un correu electrònic procedent de la nostra universitat per comunicar-te que tens una plaça assignada i amb les instruccions per a matricular-te.
Hauràs d’enviar escanejada la següent documentació en el moment d’acceptar la plaça.
El pagament inicial del 30% del preu per curs es farà de forma presencial al centre el 01/08/2024 amb targeta visa o crèdit.
- DNI / Passaport Alumne/a
DNI escanejat en vigència (si tens nacionalitat espanyola) o passaport en vigència (si tens nacionalitat estrangera). - Alumnes menors d’edat
Matrícula presencial: Si ets menor d’edat hauràs de venir acompanyat/da del/la teu/va tutor/a legal. El/la tutor/a legal haurà d’aportar original i fotocòpia o fotocòpia compulsada.
You will receive an email from our university to inform you that you have been allocated a place and with the instructions to enrol.
You will have to send scanned copies of the following documentation at the time of accepting the position.
The initial payment of 30% of the price per course will be made in person at the center on 01/08/2024 with a visa or credit card.
- ID / Student Passport
Valid scanned ID card (if you have Spanish nationality) or valid passport (if you have foreign nationality). - Underage students
Attendance registration: If you are a minor you must come accompanied by your legal guardian. The legal guardian must provide an original and a photocopy or a certified photocopy.
ERAM University School of Arts has always had a strong social commitment and involvement in society. Therefore, the Joan Bosch Foundation aims to assist students with limited financial resources by offering salary scholarships.
In addition to private scholarships, ERAM students, as a center affiliated with the University of Girona, can also apply for the public MEIFP Scholarship.
Data | Acte | Inscripció |
13/05/24 | RESOLUTION Joan Bosch Foundation Scholarships | Open |
01/03/24 - 12/04/24 | Joan Bosch Foundation scholarships | Closed |
19/03/24 - 10/05/24 | General Scholarships from the Ministry of Education and Professional Training (MEIFP) | Closed |
16/02/24 - 22/03/24 | Scholarships research awards | Closed |
20/05/24 - 09/06/24 | Prizes for Final Projects of students from higher education courses | Open |