The UdG affiliates the University School ERAM
Media Announcement – UdG affiliates the University School ERAM, which offers an official degree in Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication. This degree enables 50 student positions per cohort in newly fully-equipped facilities with the latest technologies. For the past year, the school has relocated from its previous location to a new venue at the Cultural Factory Coma-Cros in Salt.
The EU ERAM was established in 1998 with the aim of creating new professional profiles in the field of audiovisual communication. In addition to providing a response to emerging professions.
Currently, the school defines itself as an interdisciplinary study center linked to communication and the arts, emphasizing a training focus on the professional world.
Its director, Miquel Bisbe, highlights the international trajectory ERAM has been pursuing in recent times, as they have recently signed agreements with the University of Beijing (China) and the University of Northampton (England).
The signing of this agreement is another step in the positive relationship between the University of Girona (UdG) and the private foundation Escola de Gestió Empresarial (EGE), which owns the University School ERAM, allowing it to transition from being an affiliated center to an accredited center, given the official nature of the degree it imparts