- Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual i Multimèdia
- Video editing (Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual i Multimèdia)
- Editing Theory and Technique (Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual i Multimèdia)
He is an audiovisual producer trained in different audiovisual studies, among which the specialization course in Combustion - Madrid, Specialization Diploma in Audiovisual Communication and Multimedia - Girona, specialization course in History and aesthetics of documentary film - Mataró, Official Apple certificate trainer: Final Cut Pro Train The trainer - Madrid, Iberoamerican films crossing borders - Cuba, Professional color correction and digital intermediate - Barcelona.
In 2003 creates DDM visual, a producer of audiovisual and multimedia.
At the same time he combines his work with teaching, working as a professor of Theory and assembly technique in the Degree of Audiovisual Communication and Multimedia since 2003. He has been executive producer of the feature films: Step by level (Manium Producciones - DDM visual and IMAGO), The stoning of Sant Esteve (Eddie bolt - DDM visual - L'age d'or) and The lost (screen split - DDM visual), selected and awarded at different international festivals.
Premi FIPRESCI a la SEMINCI Setmana Internacional de Cinema de Valladolid. ''La lapidation de saint Étienne''
Premi a la millor producció al Festival de Cinema Regiofun de Polònia. ''La lapidation de saint Étienne''
Premi a la Millor Pel·lícula. Festival de Malaga. ''El perdido''
Premi a la Millor Actor. Festival de Malaga. ''El perdido''
Premi a la Millor Director.Festival de Malaga. ''El perdido''
Premi a la Millor interpretació femenina.cinespaña. ''La millor opció''
- Terenci Corominas directs the filming of “The Secret of the Heart”
- Pere Puigbert wins the Latitud DocsBarcelona 2022 Award.
- Pere Puigbert at SEMINCI with “El vent que ens mou”
- The project “El Bosc de la Quimera” selected at the Sitges Film Festival.
- Two projects of the ERAM winners of the 9th edition of the Miniremakes contest
- ERAM professors awarded at the VIII Carles Rahola Awards